Nothing But Nets
Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 05:07PM
Fabian Lewkowicz in Advertising , Third Street Promenade

Actor Travis Raisler, 27, portraying "Mozzie Mosquito" greets a visitor at the Third Street Promenade during Nothing But Nets 50 bed net exhibit on Thursday, November 20, 2008. The exhibits purpose is to bring awareness to the dangers of malaria. Nothing But Nets is a charitable organization, supported by the United Nations Foundation, which aims to prevent African children from dying of malaria by purchasing, distributing and teaching the proper use of mosquito bed nets. While the UN Foundation has been working with the UN to fight malaria for years, it was a column that Rick Reilly wrote about malaria in Sports Illustrated, challenging each of his readers to donate at least $10 for the purchase of an anti-malaria bed nets -- and the incredible response from thousands of Americans across the country -- that led to the creation the Nothing But Nets campaign.

Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (
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