Taste of Malaysia
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 01:10AM
Fabian Lewkowicz in Culinary , Cultural, Third Street Promenade






(above) Chef Mior pours Teh Tarik (pulled tea) during Taste of Malaysia at the Third Street Promenade on Sunday, May 11, 2008. Teh Tarik is the national drink of Malaysia. In Malaysia, there are also occasions where Teh Tarik brewers gather for competitions and performances to show their skills in making this drink. This tea is special in that it is prepared using a unique technique. The tea is poured from a hand held high into a container held in a hand below. The tea is poured back and forth in this manner to create a thick froth. Aside from cooling down the tea to drinking temperatures, it is believed that this method mixes the tea with the condensed milk more thoroughly. Chef Mior has competed and won many Teh Tarik competitions in Malaysia and showcased his talents in several Asian countries, Australia, the Middle East and the UK.  (top) Chef Mior tosses and flips the Roti Canai, Malaysia version of the pankake, during Taste of Malaysia.

Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (http://www.santamonicacloseup.net/).
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