Friday, July 19, 2013 at 02:58PM
Fabian Lewkowicz

125 participants relax in hammocks at the Santa Monica Pier while trying to break a world record on Friday, July 19, 2013. The event was sponsored by neuro and was filmed for a segment on Entertainment Tonight. 

Neuro drinks today announced the results of its proprietary study that surveyed more than 1,200 consumers, revealing nearly 50 percent of Americans spend at least half their daily lives stressed out. In response, neuro is urging Americans to join a stress reduction movement with the launch of its BLISS and Tell campaign, inspired by its drink neuro BLISS. The nationwide campaign encourages consumers to take time to relax and share their blissful moments. To view an infographic of survey findings, 

While controlling stress might not be the easiest feat, nearly 100 percent of survey respondents agree it’s at least somewhat important to be in control of stress. neuro’s study also reveals that the cure for stress varies, with only 11 percent agreeing that a night out on the town helps relieve stress. A quarter of the respondents say personal time would help treat the stress, while more than half admit a vacation is what they need the most. 

In response to the nation’s heightened stress levels, neuro is offering a chance to break free from stress through its summer-long contest, which will conclude on Sept. 9. How it works:

• Fans are encouraged to BLISS and Tell for a chance to win $10,000 to go on a dream vacation to their ultimate happy place, as well as daily and weekly BLISS giveaways.
• To be eligible, visit neuro’s BLISS and Tell contest homepage and submit a picture of your BLISSful moments, from laying on the beach to laughing with friends at a barbeque. 
• Fans can also enter their photos via Instagram and Twitter simply by using the hashtag ‪#‎BLISSandTell‬.

In addition to the online contest, neuro will be popping up in cities across the nation to offer consumers a timeout from their daily stressors. The brand will be hosting a series of “hammock hangouts” designed to relieve the daily commuter routine or let people put their feet up for a break from the summer festival circuit. Like neuro on Facebook to learn about events in your area. 

“As we dive into summer, we want to remind consumers that bliss is attainable in a variety of ways and encourage them to find moments to relax. As evident in our study, Americans are looking for ways to reduce stress and want to feel relaxed; however, the fast-paced culture of today’s non-stop world presents a constant challenge,” said Brian Pope, chief marketing officer of neuro. “Through BLISS and Tell, we hope to make people a little less stressed out and help them get to their happy place, whether that’s getting the vacation they need by winning the ultimate relaxation getaway, kicking back in hammocks or enjoying a bottle of neuro BLISS.”

neuro BLISS is a delicious tropical citrus lychee flavored drink designed to reduce stress and relax the mind. It contains chamomile and a powerful blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants including L-theanine. This combination provides a calming effect and promotes a positive outlook by reducing stress levels, improving memory and attention and supporting the brain, resulting in the ability to concentrate on one’s goals – not the pressure.

For more information about neuro’s BLISS and Tell campaign, along with official contest rules, please visit


Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (
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