Police, Fire & Code Enforcement Officers Enforce Unpermitted Vendors at Santa Monica Pier
Monday, September 6, 2021 at 06:28PM
Fabian Lewkowicz

Santa Monica Code Enforcement Officers, in collaboration with Santa Monica Police Officers and Santa Monica Firefighters, enforce and distribute educational materials regarding the new regulations to the unpermited food vendors at the Santa Monica Pier on Saturday, September 4, 2021. A new ordinance passed on August 24, 2021, prohibits any person from using any combustible fuel (including propane, butane, any other liquid gas, kerosene, steno, charcoal or wood) on the Pier (including the Pier Bridge) or within 25 feet of the Pier, for any purpose involving the fuel’s combustion including heating, lighting, or cooking without a permit from the Fire Marshal. Violations of the new ordinance may be handled as infractions, misdemeanors, or through issuance of administrative citations, in addition, combustible fuels used in violation of the new ordinance will be subject to impound by the Fire Marshal.

Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (http://www.santamonicacloseup.net/).
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