Firefighter Cycle from San Francisco to Santa Monica Raising Funds for Cancer Prevention
Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 05:07PM
Fabian Lewkowicz

Firefighter cycle down the Santa Monica Pier completing a 7 day ride on Saturday, August 27, 2021. On Sunday, August 21, 2022, approximately 25 riders, active and retired, began the journey from Sausalito FD, Station 1 in Southern Marin County in San Francisco and rode down the coast over the next 6 days arriving at the Santa Monica Pier, on Saturday, August 27. Each rider was tasked with obtaining donations totaling a minimum of $1500. Funds raised after expenses were donated to the San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation (, the leading organization in researching cancer in the fire service. Support also goes out to the Fire Family Foundation ( based in Los Angeles, which provides various programs to assist firefighters in their time of need. These rides over the life of this organization have raised more than half a million dollars. The San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation is committed to the prevention and early detection of cancer and providing access to cutting edge care for active and retired members of the San Francisco Fire Department and their families. Our goals are based on scientific research, education, cancer screenings and health navigation. Through this research and advocacy we aim to improve public health and end this threat of job-related cancer in the firefighting profession.

Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (
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