Heal the Bay Celebrates Earth Day with Beach Cleanup
Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 04:25PM
Fabian Lewkowicz

On April 15, 2023, in honor of Earth Day, 750 volunteers came together at Santa Monica Beach to participate in Heal the Bay's annual Nothin' But Sand Beach Cleanup. The event aimed to raise awareness about the need to protect our planet's coastal waters and watersheds. During the cleanup, the volunteers worked tirelessly to collect litter from the beach, including plastic bottles, food wrappers, cigarette butts, and other debris. Together, they picked up 291 pounds of trash, making a significant impact on the environment.

At the Nothin' But Sand Beach Cleanup by Heal the Bay, visitors also had the opportunity to experience an engaging art installation by Artist Andrea Martina, called "Marina the Plastic Mermaid." The interactive exhibit aimed to raise awareness about the escalating issue of plastic pollution in the oceans. The artwork was created entirely from items that Martina collected during Heal the Bay's cleanups, either from the beach or from the ocean.

Heal the Bay has been dedicated to protecting California's coastal environment since 1985. The organization's programs and initiatives focus on science, education, community action, and advocacy to make coastal waters safe, healthy, and clean for marine life and humans. The Nothin' But Sand Beach Cleanup is one of the organization's flagship events that brings together people from all walks of life to volunteer and make a positive impact on the environment.

The event also featured educational activities for children and adults, including a tour of the award-winning Heal the Bay Aquarium and a chance to purchase zero-waste products at the organization's gift shop.

The Nothin' But Sand Beach Cleanup at Santa Monica Beach is just one example of the numerous initiatives led by Heal the Bay to promote sustainability and environmental awareness in California's coastal communities. With the dedication of volunteers and supporters, Heal the Bay will continue to protect our planet's coastal environment and create a more sustainable future.

Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (http://www.santamonicacloseup.net/).
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