Seniors Paint in Plein Air at Muscle Beach
Friday, April 21, 2023 at 12:51PM
Fabian Lewkowicz

On a beautiful Friday morning in Santa Monica, a group of senior citizens gathered at Muscle Beach to take part in a plein air art class. Led by instructor Catherine Tirr, the class focused on using watercolors to capture the beauty of the surrounding scenery.

The class was part of the SMC Emeritus program, which offers a wide variety of noncredit classes for older adults in the Santa Monica area. Whether you're interested in learning a new skill, improving your health, exploring your creative side, or simply meeting new people, there's something for everyone at SMC Emeritus.

Classes are held at the Emeritus campus on 2nd Street, as well as at various community sites throughout Santa Monica and Malibu. And if you're an artist looking to showcase your work, the program even operates an art gallery, complete with free opening receptions for exhibitions of works by students and community members.

But what really sets SMC Emeritus apart is its commitment to lifelong learning. Whether you're in your 50s or your 90s, there's always something new to discover and explore. And with a supportive community of fellow learners and dedicated instructors like Catherine Tirr, you'll have all the tools you need to keep growing and thriving well into your golden years.

So if you're looking for a fun, engaging way to stay active and keep your mind sharp, consider checking out the SMC Emeritus program. With classes ranging from art and music to fitness and nutrition, there's never been a better time to join the Emeritus family and start your lifelong learning journey.

Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (
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