Health Care Harry

(above) California Public Interest Research Group CALPIRG organizers Jordan Siegel (left) and Zoe Bennett (right) pull out the red tape which 'Health Care Harry' was choking on during a press conference at Santa Monica City Hall's front lawn on Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009. "Health Care Harry" is a eight-foot tall interactive character designed to illustrate what it will take to fix our health care. He is based on the Operation game’s “Cavity Sam” created by CALPIRG to show what’s behind rising health care costs.

"Health Care Harry" may look like a toy, but rising health care cost are no game," said Siegel, "and without reform, these problems will cause our premium to double by 2016." "He's being choked by paperwork and red tape, drug companies are trying to pull the wool over his eyes and give him pills he doesn’t need. And if he isn’t careful, insurers might just pull the rug out from under him by dropping his coverage, or slam a door in his face because he’s got a pre-existing condition!"

CALPIRG will be sending Health Care Harry across the nation to promote health care reform from Maine to California and build momentum for fixing what’s ailing him—and our health care system. Participants will use Health Care Harry to demonstrate the urgent need for health care reform by using giant tweezers to discover what is ailing him and our whole health care system. CALPIRG is calling on Congress to support legislation that will rein in health care costs. Speakers discussed how the current health care system is costing American families and small businesses more each year. CALPIRG is calling on Congress to support legislation that will rein in health care costs.


About CALPIRG: CALPIRG takes on powerful interests on behalf of Californians, working to win concrete results for our health and our well-being. With researchers, advocates, organizers and students, they stand up to powerful special interests to stop identity theft, fight political corruption, provide safe and affordable prescription drugs, strengthen voting rights and more.

Posted on Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 03:25PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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