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Rawesome muralist Carole De Cruz creates a FARMAGEDDON movie poster in chalk on the sidewalk at Ocean Avenue on Saturday, September 17, 2011. Farmageddon is a documentary about the escalating fight for food rights in America. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent action, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies, and seeks to figure out why. Farmageddon exposes the battle over food rights in America. Farmer's and consumers start food co-ops and buying clubs or homesteads, and then are shut down by the government in the name of food safety.

The chalk art mural was sponsored by Real Food Rights. Real Food Rights is a movement to protect your right to choose real, unprocessed foods including raw milk and other unpasteurized and non-irradiated fresh foods.

Real Food Rights believes everyone has the right to choose to eat real food, defined as nutrient-dense, enzyme-rich, fresh living raw foods–including raw milk and other dairy like raw butter and yogurt that hasn’t been pasteurized and homogenized, natural raw honey that hasn’t been heated and filtered, and fresh raw almonds that haven’t been irradiated.

Real Food Rights believes in the freedom to contract directly with independent farmers to steward ownership of herds and crops in order to meet community standards of excellence. We exercise the right to obtain food that was grown or made by people we know and have direct relationships with.

Real Food Rights believes the right to choose the food we eat, including raw living food, and the right to choose the source of our food, is a fundamental liberty protected by the Right to Privacy clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. No state or federal or county agency or corporate lobby has the authority to violate this fundamental right.

Real Food Rights believes the FDA has a longstanding conflict of interest with the multi-billion dollar commercial food industry, including the commercial dairy industry, whose focus on mass production, profit, and long shelf life has mass-produced ‘dead’ food, including ‘dead’ milk, with little functional nutritional value, and that has contributed to the obesity, asthma, and allergies epidemics.

Real Food Rights believes that commercial food mass-produced on factory farms must have different standards to guarantee food safety than small independent farms contracting herd shares to private food clubs who are held personally responsible for quality assurance and freshness by the members of such clubs. We believe that pasteurizing commercial milk can cover up many poor practices on factory dairy farms. We don’t recommend that anyone eat commercial, factory-raised, hybridized dairy products raw.

Real Food Rights believes the Real Food Rights movement is part of the Green Movement toward a new sustainable economy, because eating fresh living quality foods grown on local small farms feeds sustainable local economies.

Real Food Rights mission is to protect your right to choose real, unprocessed foods including raw milk and other unpasteurized and non-irradiated fresh foods.

Posted on Sunday, September 18, 2011 at 06:23AM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz in | CommentsPost a Comment

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