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The Santa Monica Nativity

Volunteers from the Christian Defense Coalition staged a Live Nativity Scene at Palisades Park entitled, "The Birth of Christ. The Birth of Freedom.  The Santa Monica Nativity." on Saturday, December 8, 2012.

Santa Monica City Council  voted to ban seasonal displays in the park which was upheld by a U.S. District Court judge in November after a challenge by a Christian group.

The groups discovered the decision of the city and federal court decision only applied to "unattended" Nativity Displays in Palisades Park.  However "attended" displays are permissible.

This entire campaign is part of "The Nativity Project" which was launched by the Washington, D.C. based Christian Defense Coalition and Faith and Action almost 7 years ago. This national project encourages the faith community to set up Nativity Displays in public places all across the nation.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states, "We are so thankful that a Nativity Display will be seen in Palisades Park for a 60th Consecutive year.  It is critical that the faith community did not allow the City of Santa Monica and the federal court to crush the First Amendment and religious freedom by banning a Nativity Display in Palisades Park.”

"Sadly, we are seeing an erosion of public expressions of faith across America.  This is especially true during the Christmas Season. Therefore, it is important for the Christian community to continue to speak out with passion and courage when they see the trampling of free speech rights and religious freedom.  Simply stated, the faith community will never 'go silently into the night' when these issues are at risk.”
"By finding a way to creatively address this injustice, the powerful message of Christmas and religious freedom will continue to be heard and seen in Palisades Park. We hope people from all across America take inspiration from this victory and stand up for these critical issues."

Posted on Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 04:12PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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