Santa Monica Public Works personnel clean-up a Hazardous Materials Spill on Olympic Dr., between Main St. AND 4th St. on Tuesday, April 9, 2013. A truck allegedly from the Tonga Park construction site (across from Santa Monica City Hall) spilled its hydraulic fluid on Olympic Dr., from Main St. to 4th St. It does not appear that any of the fluid has reached the storm drains. The Santa Monica Police Department was able to locate and stop the truck that allegedly spilled the fluid on 14th street. It has been determined at this time that no Hazardous Materials were spilled beyond 4th street.  Santa Monica Fire Department is working diligently to quickly and efficiently mitigate the incident by utilizing absorb and dirt to soak up the liquid. Santa Monica Public Works has provided street sweepers, pressure washers and personnel to assist in the clean-up. Other divisions and agencies are currently being contact to assist in the clean-up process.

Posted on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 07:36PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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