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Atlantica Organics

Wasja Lamb of Atlantica Organics sells rugs at the Santa Monica Farmers Market on Sunday on March 9, 2014.

Atlantica Organics is a design company focused on beautifying your living space through their talented visual artists and earth friendly rugs that maintain cultural integrity for creative visionaries who value mother earth and all of her precious resources.
Most of their rugs are handmade in the home of collaborative of women weavers utilizing traditional patterns that have been passed along through generations.
Atlantica Organics is completely cruelty-free and animal friendly.  Their wool is delicately gathered from healthy sheep that are guided and nurtured by shepherds who roam free over many acres of lush, wild pastures in crisp altitudes. 
All of their rugs are wool and made with rich, eco-friendly dyes derived from local plants& vegetables. Pomegranates & exotic tree barks are among the sources of array of colors frequently used.  The rugs come in a variety of colors schemes, styles, sizes,and texture. No two pieces are alike, and imperfections are perfection. 
The time that a rug takes to complete by hand depends on the size. For example, a 4 x 6 rug takes an average of 3 months to complete, while an over sized 17 x 25  requires about 4 years of work.  By adding one of these masterpieces to your living environment, you establish jobs to the local weavers . Rug sales support and bring income to the rug artist and their families.

More info: https://atlantica-organics.squarespace.com


Posted on Sunday, March 9, 2014 at 11:28AM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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