Save the Pier The Play


Save the Pier The Play, A FREE play will take place on October 16, 17 and 18th at 7:00pm at the end of the Santa Monica Pier on the subject of the 1970's fight to save the pier.In the early 1970’s, the Santa Monica City Council voted to build a 35-acre island in Santa Monica Bay, featuring a high-rise hotel, a convention center, restaurants and other amenities. The Santa Monica Pier would be torn down and a four-lane bridge would be built in its place to provide access.The play dramatizes the fight to stop the island plan and save the Santa Monica Pier.The play will present actors from Loyola Marymount University — it will be presented at no charge at the end of the Santa Monica Pier on three consecutive evenings in 2015;Friday, October 16Saturday, October 17 Sunday, October 18Contact: Carolyn Yost savethepier@ca.rr.com

Posted by Santa Monica Close-up on Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Save the Pier The Play, A FREE play will take place on October 16, 17 and 18th at 7:00pm at the end of the Santa Monica Pier on the subject of the 1970's fight to save the pier.

In the early 1970’s, the Santa Monica City Council voted to build a 35-acre island in Santa Monica Bay, featuring a high-rise hotel, a convention center, restaurants and other amenities. The Santa Monica Pier would be torn down and a four-lane bridge would be built in its place to provide access.

The play dramatizes the fight to stop the island plan and save the Santa Monica Pier.

The play will present actors from Loyola Marymount University — it will be presented at no charge at the end of the Santa Monica Pier on three consecutive evenings in 2015;

Friday, October 16
Saturday, October 17 
Sunday, October 18

Contact: Carolyn Yost savethepier@ca.rr.com

Posted on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 07:50AM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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