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BREEZE BIKE SHARE - Images by Fabian Lewkowicz

Hundreds of cyclist roll along Main Street during the Santa Monica Breeze Bike Share launch and ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday, November 12, 2015. Bike share is a fun, healthy and convenient transit option that is already operating in many major cities in the nation and around the globe. Bike share technology offers on-line and on-the-spot opportunities to reserve and rent a bike that will take you where you need to go. At the end of a journey, just drop it off at the nearest bike share station. You can pick up another when you need it next. Bike share is growing worldwide as a popular and fun transit system. Bike share has been shown to contribute to an environment that encourages people to drive less, support local business, improve street safety, increase personal health and enjoy the community more. The City Council designated bike share as one of the highest priority projects for implementation when it adopted the Bike Action Plan on November 22, 2011. Santa Monica's Bike share system is being made possible through more than $2 million in grant funds that the City was awarded through Metro’s Call for Projects and from the AQMD. The process included the participation and support of the City's regional partners in the Westside Cities Council of Governments, Metro and others, and it is hoped that the system will act as a pilot program that will be extended throughout the Los Angeles area. Breeze will be located at 75 convenient hubs throughout the city of Santa Monica and additional bonus hubs in Venice.

Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 01:14PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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