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Skate The Coast

Boarders, skaters and cyclists roll along the Santa Monica Bike path during the 14th Annual Skate The Coast on Sunday, October 24, 2021. The boarders skated along the 19-mile coast from the Santa Monica Pier to Redondo Beach Pier to bring awareness about breast cancer.
Boarding For Breast Cancer (B4BC) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit foundation founded in 1996. Their Mission is to prepare young people with education on early detection and to promote the importance of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle as the best means of breast cancer prevention. B4BC provides survivor support for those affected by breast cancer. B4BC delivers its Mission through participation in year-round grass roots, youth-focused lifestyle events with programs in these Core Areas: Educational Outreach Experience; Prevention + Awareness Fundraising Events and Survivorship #skatethecoas 
Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 10:25AM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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