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RIP Sergeant Joaquin Vega

Retired Santa Monica Police Sergeant Joaquin Vega was laid to rest on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, with the support of the Santa Monica Police Department at St. Monica's Church. Joaquin Vega, badge #2717, was hired with the Santa Monica Police Department on October 14, 1985. He worked and supervised a variety of assignments including the Field Training Officer program, 3rd Street Bicycle Unit, Pico Neighborhood Unit, the Gang Unit and was a member of the original Metro Team (SWAT). Joaquin promoted to Sergeant on October 24, 1999. He retired with the department on his birthday December 16, 2014. Joaquin acted as a mentor to many. He always made time to share his knowledge and experiences to those less tenured than him. Joaquin grew up in Santa Monica and was very involved in the community. He was very fortunate to work alongside several of his family members, including his sister, Records Supervisor Elaine Vega. Joaquin will be truly missed by his law enforcement family and community. Rest in Peace Sergeant Joaquin Vega. You will always be remembered. 🙏

Posted on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 10:28PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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