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Save the Pier

The "Save the Pier" play performed at the Santa Monica Pier on Saturday, October 22, 2022. The "Save the Pier" play is a live reenactment of the events that followed when two groups of passionate citizens in the 1970s worked to save the Pier from the Santa Monica City Council’s plan to build a 35-acre artificial island in the bay with a bridge connecting it to the Santa Monica freeway. After the new construction was complete, the Pier would be torn down. The Save the Pier Play recounts this 1972 grassroots fight to stop the demolition of The Santa Monica Pier. THE STORY: Can you imagine Santa Monica without the Pier? 50 years ago, that unimaginable scenario almost became a reality! City officials, seeking a solution for the aging, high-maintenance old landmark, unveiled plans for a 35-acre manmade island with a resort hotel, convention center and other amenities. Not included in these new plans was the Santa Monica Pier, which was to be torn down and replaced with a conventional bridge. The community fought back and, while it was not an easy fight, ultimately won! “Save the Pier!” is a one-hour retelling of that dramatic battle, and a tribute to the colorful collection of people who so diligently and bravely fought City Hall. The names of the play’s characters are those of the real people who participated, but behind each character in the play stands many more people. After all, in a fight to gain community support, you need a cast of thousands. We are forever grateful to all those who saved the Pier. A half-century later, it still brings joy to millions of people every year! Save the Pier is written by James Harris, Directed by Paul Sand, Produced by Carolyn Yost, Associate Producer/Stage Manager Jeff Wynne. Starring James Harris, Kristen Helen Hanson, Nicholas Heard, Sol Mason, Kennedy A. Porter, Jay Choi, Hannah Nagle, Francis Edemobi, Joshua Merwise, Stephanie Benson and Stella Harris.

Posted on Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 08:37AM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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