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Meals on Onewheel Feed Homeless in Santa Monica

Onewheel teamed-up with Meals on Onewheels to do local outreach, collecting and distributing essential goods and food to unhoused neighbors in need in Santa Monica on Sunday, April 10, 2022. Meals on Onewheels has utilized grassroots community support and Onewheels to distribute over 3,000 meals to unhoused neighbors in communities across 15 cities since its inception in 2020. "It all started with peanut butter sandwiches," says Meals on Onewheels cofounder Mike Sierra. "The goal was to feed 100 people. My community needed help. I didn't have the means to fix it myself, so I started sharing the stories online to engage other people's resources." Mike met Evelyn, a videographer, at a Onewheel group ride. She loved the work he was doing and suggested delivering meals on Onewheels and tapping into local Onewheel communities. "Onewheels cut down distribution time 10-fold," says Sierra. "The growing network and the efficiency of transportation allowed us to get a full day's work done in much less time. It opened a ton of doors." Meals on Onewheels has events planned each month throughout cities in California, including upcoming events in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Berkley. Sierra and Caday have plans to expand the program nationwide. "Yes we're giving food and resources to people, but the real blessing is the service," says Sierra. "Going out and doing what we can with what we have for our neighbors. We're serving hope, that's the real mission here." Follow Meals on Onewheels on social media @mealsononewheels Please note, Meals on Onewheels is not affiliated in any way with Meals on Wheels.

Posted on Sunday, April 10, 2022 at 05:01PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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