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DETOUR: Find Your Joy

Artist Elsie Dye Sims shares her public art installation entitled, "Detour," at Santa Monica Pier Beach on Saturday, April 30, 2022. "Detour," is a public art installation redirecting our attention from survival and safety to JOY. "Flare orange cones are a signal of danger and a beacon toward safety, more glaring than ever during Covid. They alerted us to closures, led us through vaccination sites and reminded us to keep socially distanced. Now what lies ahead for the cones and for us?" "I haven’t had to look hard to reclaim dozens of cones for my canvases, they are discarded, run over and left behind throughout Los Angeles. Like the cones, most of us feel far off course, not just physically but mentally as well. The pandemic “detour” has been littered with loss, and we struggle to change gears from survival to joy." "For those whose mental health has been challenged, like myself, these cones are a shift toward healing. This artistic expression has helped me redirect my attention and move forward, more grateful, mindful and alert to where I find joy, now more than ever. I've chosen public spaces for their display as a sort of "return to the wild" for the cones. Like all of us, forever changed from the pandemic, and hopefully for the better," said Artist Elsie Dye Sims on her website: detourcones.com/

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 05:19PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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