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Active Shooter Training by Police and Fire Departments

Personnel from the Santa Monica Fire and Police Departments conducted Active Threat Training at John Adam's Middle School on Friday, June 24, 2022. The objective of this exercise was to train our first responders and test their response to high-risk, complex, events involving multiple agencies and potentially multiple victims. Training on real properties, such as a local school, is critical for police and firefighters. The best learning environments provide hands-on experience dealing with live simulated scenarios. This intensive training allowed our firefighters and police officers to learn the limits of their equipment and tactics in an educational, non-emergency environment. Through this coordinated training effort, police officers and firefighters are able to hone their skills and sharpen their teamwork in preparation for real emergencies where seconds count. The Training Cadre utilzed simunitions and smoke simulations which look and sound real. Simunitions are simulated ammunition that are intended to allow realistic training using non- lethal projectiles that give off a sound. Many are already familiar with smoke simulations- a product that is used during movie productions and frequently during Halloween. Combined with the help of volunteer actors from the community, Santa Monica Police and Fire Departments aimed to make this training as realistic as possible to further prepare their personnel in the event of an actual active threat. Both the Santa Monica Police and Fire Departments are dedicated to the people they serve and protect. They immediately recognized the potential for passersby and residents to believe a real incident was taking place and looked for opportunities to alert those in the area. In addition to providing the surounding community with advanced notice regarding the activities, signage and additional staff were placed around the perimeter of the exercise to answer questions from the community. The Santa Monica Police and Fire Departments primary concern remains the health and safety of all residents and visitors to Santa Monica. This training was designed to increase our ability to protect the Santa Monica community.

Posted on Friday, June 24, 2022 at 04:41PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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