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Los Angeles County Probation Department Hosts Successful Santa Monica Community Job & Resource Fair

The Los Angeles County Probation Department organized the Santa Monica Community Job and Resource Fair, which took place on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. The event was held on the front lawn of the Santa Monica Courthouse from 10 AM to 2 PM and welcomed all attendees. The Santa Monica Community Job and Resource Fair, organized by the Los Angeles County Probation Department, was a tremendous success. Here's what the event had to offer:

  • Employment Services, with a focus on aiding individuals with prior felony convictions.
  • Educational Services.
  • Housing Services.
  • Mental Health Support.
  • Free COVID-19 Vaccination Services.
  • Legal Aid Information.
  • Self-Help Resources.
  • Medical Services.
  • Free Food Distribution.
  • Assistance for the Homeless.
  • Complimentary Clothing, and much more.

During this remarkable event, the Los Angeles County Probation Department hosted numerous community-based organizations and over 60 companies, all offering their services and employment information. It was a day filled with valuable resources and information for the attendees, providing them with an opportunity to connect with their community.

Don't miss out on such enriching events in the future! Stay connected with the Los Angeles County Probation Department through our event hashtags: #LACProbation and #InTheCommunity.

Posted on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 08:51PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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