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Retired Military Veteran Celebrates Spring by Spreading Kindness Through Annual Campaign

Retired Military Veteran Spring de Haviland Kicks Off 12th Annual "Spring into Kindness Campaign!"

Spring de Haviland celebrated the first day of spring on March 20th, 2023 with her 12th annual "Spring into Kindness Campaign!" Her mission was to spread kindness and promote positivity throughout the Santa Monica community.

Throughout the day, Spring distributed bright and beautiful carnations to people passing by on the Santa Monica Pier, celebrating the arrival of the season. In addition, she promoted her Kindness Poster and Book, allowing people to leave messages for military patients at the VA Medical Center in Brentwood.

But Spring's kindness didn't stop there. A group of Santa Monica Police Officers stopped by to show their support, and Spring presented them with flowers as a gesture of appreciation for their service to the community.

Spring's dedication to promoting kindness extends far beyond her annual campaign. She frequently visits the VA Medical Center, bringing along stuffed animals, jewelry, and lots of fun and humor for the veterans. For Spring, interacting with veterans is a win-win-win situation that increases endorphins and serotonin for everyone involved. Her mission is to serve her unit's morale and welfare, even after retiring from 30 years of military service.

Spring's tireless efforts have been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. She has received a "Heroes Award" from the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce, among other honors. Her dedication to promoting kindness and brightening people's days is truly inspirational.

As we welcome the first day of spring, let us follow Spring de Haviland's example and make a conscious effort to spread kindness towards one another. Small gestures, such as giving a beautiful carnation to someone passing by or leaving a message of appreciation for veterans, can make a huge difference in someone's day. We should all strive to make every day a little brighter for those around us.

The day's events included Spring presenting the annual Spring Kindness Paw it Forward Award to Fabian Lewkowicz from Santa Monica Closeup. The award is given to a person who has made significant contributions to promoting kindness in their community.

Spring's advocacy for kindness reminds us that it doesn't take much to make a difference in someone's day, and that by showing a little kindness, we can make the world a better place for all. So let's vote yes on being kind, and let the spirit of Spring into our hearts and actions all year round.

Posted on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 04:38PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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