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Police K9 Searches for Explosive during Training

The Santa Monica Police Department is always on the forefront of innovative training exercises to keep the community safe. On Wednesday, May 3, 2023, Santa Monica Police Officer Elaina Hassan led a multi-department K9 training exercise at Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier. In addition to Santa Monica PD, officers from the Inglewood Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and Homeland Security participated in the exercise.

The K9 training was focused on detecting and finding high explosives. The training is especially important for public events with a large number of people. The K9's are trained to detect body-worn explosives and concealed firearms from a distance of around 50 yards.

The exercise demonstrated the collaboration between different departments in the interest of public safety. The officers worked together to ensure the K9's were able to identify threats and protect the public. The training was intense and realistic, and the K9's demonstrated impressive skills in detecting and responding to threats.

Officer Elaina Hassan, a veteran of the Santa Monica Police Department, is a K9 handler with a wealth of experience in training dogs. She led the exercise and ensured that all officers involved were able to receive valuable training in K9 tactics.

The Santa Monica Police Department is committed to ensuring the safety of the community by providing innovative training exercises for its officers. The K9 training exercise on the Santa Monica Pier is just one example of the dedication and hard work of the Santa Monica Police Department.

Posted on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 03:49PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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