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Santa Monica Ensures Safety and Reliability of Pedicabs through Annual Inspection

Santa Monica Pedicab Inspection

Santa Monica City Transportation Management Specialists Conduct Pedicab Inspection

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, Santa Monica City Transportation Management Specialists conducted their annual inspection of pedicabs at Santa Monica Beach. This inspection is crucial in guaranteeing the safety and functionality of pedicabs used to transport tourists and locals in and around the Santa Monica area.

During the inspection, various aspects of the pedicabs were assessed, including brakes, lights, seatbelts, tires, and other components, to ensure compliance with all necessary safety and performance requirements.

This inspection is part of Santa Monica's ongoing commitment to promoting safe and sustainable transportation options, particularly alternative modes of transportation like pedicabs. By ensuring that pedicabs are safe and reliable, Santa Monica not only encourages environmentally friendly modes of transportation but also supports the local economy by providing tourists and locals with a unique and enjoyable way to explore the area.

For the permit year 2023-24, the City of Santa Monica will issue up to 30 decal permits to licensed pedicab operators in good standing, allowing them to operate non-electric pedicabs on the Beach Bike-Path.

Note: Motorized pedicabs are not permitted. Only non-motorized pedicabs are eligible for operation.

To maintain safety standards, every pedicab must have certain dedicated, properly working equipment. This includes seatbelts, headlights, taillights securely mounted on the rear exterior, turn signals visible from the front and rear, hydraulic or mechanical disc brakes, spoke reflectors on each wheel, and tape-type reflectors showing the front and back width of the pedicab.

To operate on the Beach Bike-Path within the City of Santa Monica boundary, both the vehicle and operator must be selected through the Beach Bike-Path Lottery process.

The annual inspection is an integral part of Santa Monica's transportation planning efforts. By ensuring the safety and reliability of pedicabs and other alternative modes of transportation, the city is actively contributing to a more environmentally friendly and enjoyable community for both residents and visitors.

Posted on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 03:06PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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