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Officers Halt Gathering by Popular "Dog Daddy" at Santa Monica Beach Park

Santa Monica, CA – September 23, 2023 - In a recent incident at Santa Monica Beach Park, Santa Monica Code Enforcement Officers, SMPD Police Officers, and an Animal Control Officer responded to a gathering involving online influencer "The Dog Daddy," a popular figure on Instagram and YouTube, renowned for his dog training content. The event, which took place at 2400 Ocean Front Walk, was intended to provide free dog training advice and an opportunity for dog enthusiasts to engage in discussions about their beloved pets.

Notably, several individuals, accompanied by their canine companions, turned up to meet The Dog Daddy, keen to benefit from his expertise. However, during the event, Santa Monica Code Enforcement Officers concluded that a city license was necessary for such a gathering. They subsequently requested The Dog Daddy to cease the event. The influencer argued that he was not engaged in a business venture and did not charge a fee for the event, thus believing that a city license was unnecessary. Disagreeing with his standpoint, Code Enforcement Officers declared their intention to issue a citation, which would be sent by mail.

As of September 2023, The Dog Daddy boasts a significant online presence with approximately 3 million followers on YouTube, 2.2 million followers on TikTok, and 418,000 followers on Instagram. His content primarily focuses on dog training and includes offers for personalized training sessions.

The incident did not go unnoticed, as activists arrived at the scene with picket signs to protest The Dog Daddy's methods, alleging that he employs unethical tactics in his dog training approaches. Criticisms included his confrontational and aggressive style when dealing with dogs.

During the gathering, Elle Williams, a certified professional dog trainer, shared her perspective: "Hello, my name is Elle Williams, and I am a certified Professional Dog trainer, knowledgeable in force-free and vet-approved methods. We are out here today protesting but also educating regarding the influencer by the name of The Dog Daddy. We're making a stance for positive reinforcement training and force-free methods, which have consistently been proven to be the healthiest way to develop a strong bond between pet guardians and their pets, including cats. So, we're out here advocating for science, the human-animal relationship, and humane training methods. I don't believe in using force, pain, or intimidation to achieve desired behavior."

From The Dog Daddy's website, it is evident that he prides himself on his training methods. His clients report significant progress after a single training session, and he offers classes suitable for dogs of all ages, breeds, and personalities. The classes are a combination of seminars and hands-on training, tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of clients.

The Dog Daddy's approach covers a wide range of training, including basic and advanced obedience, behavior modification, and addressing issues like leash pulling, barking, and anxiety. The influencer encourages participants to attend with an open mind and a willingness to learn, emphasizing that many of his clients have found success after struggling with previous trainers. He eagerly anticipates the opportunity to work with dog owners in various cities throughout the year.

The situation at Santa Monica Beach Park serves as a reminder of the ongoing discussion surrounding dog training methods and the importance of adhering to local regulations. It remains to be seen how this incident will impact the larger conversation in the dog training community.

Posted on Sunday, September 24, 2023 at 07:16PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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