It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Pedicabs Rally at City Hall

More than a dozen pedicab operators from four companies gathered at Santa Monica City Hall on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. The Pedicab are on the agenda for tonight's City Council Meeting. They want to be able to legally operate on the Santa Monica Beach Bike Path. They will be presenting City Council with a petition and testimonies. There was a motion from Councilmember Negrete and seconded by Councilmember Brock that the City Council direct the City Manager and City Attorney to return to the Council with an ordinance amending Section 3.12.600 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code to allow a limited number of non-electric pedicabs on the beach bike-path. The motion passed unanimously. 

Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 06:12PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Botox Drone Light Show

Three hundred drones light up the sky over Santa Monica Beach on Thursday, May 19, 2022. The drone light show was to celebrate 20 years since BOTOX® Cosmetic first being FDA approved.

Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 09:52PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Removing Graffiti from Mural

Santa Monica Pier Painter Joey Alvarez removes graffiti from the 2012 Ocean-Themed mural by artist Janet Wallace entitled, "Celebration of The Sea," under the Santa Monica Pier, on Thursday, May 19, 2022. The mural was originally installed on boards around a restaurant on the Santa Monica Pier.

Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 09:50PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Officers Rescue Pelican

Santa Monica Animal Control Officers rescue a brown pelican at the Santa Monica Pier on Wednesday, May 18, 2022. The Animal Control Officers are transporting the pelican to the Bird Rescue Wildlife Center in San Pedro. Santa Monica Animal Control is dedicated to providing outstanding care for animals in Santa Monica. They are a dedicated progressive animal shelter that continually strives to strengthen the welfare of animals by promoting humane care and treatment. Each year, they help lost, abandoned, and homeless animals find a nurturing forever home. Santa Monica's Animal Services Unit has a variety of offerings aimed at promoting and protecting the health, welfare, and safety of animals and people. 

Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 09:48PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Harbor Patrol Officers Lead Police on Rescue Drill

Santa Monica Harbor Patrol Officers lead SMPD Officers from the Safety Task Force through a rescue training drill at the Santa Monica Pier on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. The multi-department task force consists of Santa Monica Police Officers, Santa Monica Code Enforcement Officers, Santa Monica Fire Department personnel, Santa Monica Harbor Patrol Officers, Public Works, and private security guards.

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 05:23PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Coffee with a Cop

Santa Monica Police officers, with SMPD Chief Ramon Batista, meet with members of the community during "Coffee with a Cop" at Primo Passo on Saturday. May 7, 2022. The majority of law enforcement contacts with the public occur during emergencies or emotional situations. Those situations are not always the most effective time to build relationships. Coffee with a Cop aims to break down barriers and allow for relaxed interaction. Coffee with a Cop events are designed to provide an opportunity for the community to ask questions, voice concerns, and get to know their Police Department. The relaxed nature of this event is intended to allow Police Department to get to know the community, and for community members to get to know the officers who serve Santa Monica. The goal is to strengthen the relationship between the Santa Monica Police Department and the community. Coffee with a Cop events are now held in all 50 states and is one of the most successful community oriented policing programs across the country. The program has also expanded to outside the United States to Canada, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Latin America. The key to Coffee with a Cop’s growing success is that it opens the door for interactions outside of crisis situations that typically bring law enforcement officers and community members together.

Posted on Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 05:22PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

DETOUR: Find Your Joy

Artist Elsie Dye Sims shares her public art installation entitled, "Detour," at Santa Monica Pier Beach on Saturday, April 30, 2022. "Detour," is a public art installation redirecting our attention from survival and safety to JOY. "Flare orange cones are a signal of danger and a beacon toward safety, more glaring than ever during Covid. They alerted us to closures, led us through vaccination sites and reminded us to keep socially distanced. Now what lies ahead for the cones and for us?" "I haven’t had to look hard to reclaim dozens of cones for my canvases, they are discarded, run over and left behind throughout Los Angeles. Like the cones, most of us feel far off course, not just physically but mentally as well. The pandemic “detour” has been littered with loss, and we struggle to change gears from survival to joy." "For those whose mental health has been challenged, like myself, these cones are a shift toward healing. This artistic expression has helped me redirect my attention and move forward, more grateful, mindful and alert to where I find joy, now more than ever. I've chosen public spaces for their display as a sort of "return to the wild" for the cones. Like all of us, forever changed from the pandemic, and hopefully for the better," said Artist Elsie Dye Sims on her website:

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 05:19PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Los Angeles Rams Trophy Tour at Santa Monica Pier

Fans pose for photos with the Vince Lombardi Trophy and Rampage at the Santa Monica Pier during the Los Angeles Rams Trophy Tour on Saturday, April 30, 2022. Following the Los Angeles Rams historic 2021 season that concluded with a Super Bowl LVI victory at SoFi Stadium, the team is taking the Vince Lombardi Trophy on an 11-stop tour that will travel more than 2,000 miles throughout Southern California and Mexico. The eight-week championship trophy tour is traveling through regions including East LA, Inglewood, Inland Empire, Orange County, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica and Thousand Oaks. The Vince Lombardi Trophy also will travel abroad to Mexico, one of the team's International Home Marketing Areas. The tour stops will provide fans the chance to see and take photos with football's most coveted prize up close in their own communities. Trophy Tour stops will be free and open to the general public and will feature appearances from Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders, mascot Rampage, a merchandise trailer and more. "We are so excited to celebrate our Super Bowl LVI victory with the fans who continue to inspire us with their dedication, passion and support for our team on and off the field," said Los Angeles Rams Chief Marketing Officer Kathryn Kai-ling Frederick. "This was a historic year for our franchise in so many ways and it was made possible through the commitment of supporters who cheered us on at SoFi Stadium, from their own homes, and in their communities. We're thrilled to have the chance to bring the most iconic trophy in sports to Rams fans throughout the region for this momentous celebration."

Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 05:18PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint