It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Plein Air Painting in Santa Monica

Davide Piubeni (@davide_piubeni) paints on Ocean Front Walk, #SantaMonicaBeach, Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Davide was born in Sarezzo, Brescia and graduated from l’Accademia delle Belle Arti Brera in Milan. Davide has painted churches in Brasil, done work in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Guatemala, Australia, Peru, Miami and has been living in Los Angeles since 2000. 

Posted on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 05:24PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Police Arrest Street Vendor at Pier

Santa Monica Police Officers with the Unpermitted Vendors Task Force arrest a vendor at the Santa Monica Pier on Monday, January 17, 2021. The unpermitted vendor was arrested for Santa Monica Municipal Code 3.36.290, Prohibition on use of combustible fuels in and around pier. (audio volume was turned down to avoid infringement due to loud copyright music blaring from Pacific Park's speakers) (a) No person shall use any combustible fuel, including, but not limited to, propane, butane, any other liquid gas, kerosene, sterno, charcoal, or wood, on the Santa Monica Pier, including the Pier Bridge, or within twenty-five feet of the Santa Monica Pier, for any purpose involving the fuel’s combustion, including, but not limited to, heating, lighting, or cooking, without first obtaining a permit from the Fire Marshal. (b) The Fire Marshal or designee may promulgate regulations to implement the provisions of this Section. No person shall fail to comply with any such regulation. (c) Any person violating this Section, or any regulation promulgated under this Section, shall be guilty of an infraction, which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars per violation, or a misdemeanor, which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars per violation, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. This Section and any regulations promulgated under this Section shall also be enforceable through the issuance of administrative citations in accordance with Chapter 1.09 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code. Pursuant to Section 1.09.040 of this Code, the amount of the fine for a violation of this Section, or any regulation promulgated under this Section, shall be as follows, subject to modification by the City Council by resolution: two hundred fifty dollars for a first violation; five hundred dollars for a second violation committed within one year of the first violation; and one thousand dollars for a third or subsequent violation committed within one year of the first violation. Each day or portion of a day that any person violates or continues to violate any provision of this Section, or any regulations promulgated under this Section, constitutes a separate violation and may be charged and punished separately. (d) The City may impound combustible fuel being used in violation of this Section, together with the storage tank or other storage receptacle in which that combustible fuel is held. The City may immediately dispose of impounded combustible fuel that cannot be safely stored and may dispose of impounded abandoned materials in accordance with administrative regulations. The Fire Marshal or designee shall promulgate regulations regarding impound and storage procedures and the disposal of abandoned impounded materials. The City Council may by resolution adopt impound fees, which shall reflect the City’s enforcement, investigation, storage, and impound costs. No person shall retrieve impounded materials without paying applicable impound fees and demonstrating proper proof of ownership. (Added by Ord. No. 2681CCS § 1, adopted 8/24/21) Street vending is restricted on the Santa Monica Pier. Prior to enforcement, the City of Santa Monica has been educating and warning the unpermitted street vendors for several months. All vendors need a City of Santa Monica business license and vending permit to sell any items in the City, and vendors selling food must also obtain and display a Los Angeles County Department of Public Health permit. As part of the City’s program, sidewalk vending is restricted in certain congested, high-traffic areas to protect public safety. This includes on and around the Pier, where all vending is prohibited except the City’s existing licensed vendor cart program, and the beach, Third Street Promenade, and Palisades Park, where stationary vending is not permitted. In addition, a new ordinance passed on August 24, 2021, prohibits any person from using any combustible fuel (including propane, butane, any other liquid gas, kerosene, steno, charcoal or wood) on the Pier (including the Pier Bridge) or within 25 feet of the Pier, for any purpose involving the fuel’s combustion including heating, lighting, or cooking without a permit from the Fire Marshal. Violations of the new ordinance may be handled as infractions, misdemeanors, or through issuance of administrative citations, in addition, combustible fuels used in violation of the new ordinance will be subject to impound by the Fire Marshal.

Posted on Monday, January 17, 2022 at 05:22PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Route 66: The Mother Road

Ian Bowen, 66-to-Cali manager and historian, talks about the history of the Mother Road at the Santa Monica Pier on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. Before opening 66-to-Cali on Santa Monica Pier, owner Dan Rice traveled Route 66 over 25 times. The journey along the road was the destination, but every time he returned home to Los Angeles the ending was always a letdown. How could there be nothing to mark the end of the most famous road in the world? ​ That changed in July 2009 when he opened his original store. Local officials hadn't realized the road still existed, so the first shop dedicated to the road at its traditional ending was a 6x3 foot vendor cart with a "Historic Route End" sign on either side. Back then, he only had enough room for a few products, but the signs and the original End of the Trail™ tees proved so popular that he was given the opportunity to turn his logo into a permanent sign on the pier. That sign, posted on the 83rd anniversary of Route 66 in 2009, has become a sensation. It is the most popular photo spot in Santa Monica and has inspired thousands of visitors to the pier to travel 66 and see a world that many had forgotten still exists. ​ 66-to-Cali specializes in local and American-made products that are treasured reminders of the original road trip and they are a source of information and inspiration to help visitors understand and enjoy Route 66 today. ​
Posted on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 07:24PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Shark Art Installation

SHARKS 🦈: What appears to be an art installation of sharks swimming up the Pico Storm drain at Santa Monica Beach on Tuesday, January 3, 2022.
Posted on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 09:06PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

The People Concern Homeless Outreach Team

The People Concern’s (@thepeopleconcern) outreach team offers outreach to homeless at Santa Monica Beach on Monday, December 27, 2021. The People Concern strives to end homelessness and domestic violence by providing care and support for those experiencing it through housing and integrated services tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Their staff, volunteers, and those they serve all work together to address the effects of homelessness, poverty, mental and physical illness, abuse, and addiction. In addition to outreach, People Concern's Access Center in Santa Monica provides a safe and welcoming environment for our vulnerable neighbors. The Access Center offers meals, wellness activities, case management, and access to showers, laundry, and lockers so that participants can meet their hygiene needs. Through their partnership with Venice Family Clinic, they also provide primary medical care on-site.

Posted on Monday, December 27, 2021 at 09:04PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Santa Monica Christmas Nativity Scene

The 68th annual Santa Monica Christmas Nativity Scene on display at CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, SANTA MONICA. Each year since 1953, the city of Santa Monica has celebrated Christmas by hosting a series of Nativity scenes assembled by local churches to tell the story of the birth of Christ. Originally, 14 independent scenes with life-size figures depicting events surrounding Christ's birth lined Ocean Avenue in Palisades Park. In 2011, atheists who opposed the religious displays were successful in influencing the city’s decision to end all unattended displays in the park. While the displays no longer line Ocean Avenue on public property, the nativity scene is still being staged on the grounds of Calvary Baptist Church, at 1502 20th Street, Santa Monica.

Posted on Friday, December 24, 2021 at 09:02PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Unpermitted Vendors Evade Police at Santa Monica Pier

Santa Monica Code Enforcement Officers, with Santa Monica Police Officers, try to remove unpermitted food vendors from the Santa Monica Pier on Sunday, December 19, 2021. The Officers were able to remove a few unpermitted vendors from the pier. Most vendors were able to evade Officers by running around the Pier in circles and then returned to sell. Officers confiscated some food and cited a few vendors. The vendors were able to get on the pier early this morning before security and Officers arrived. The Santa Monica Pier has a worldwide identity. The city wants to preserve our decades old wooden pier so it can be enjoyed for years to come. Because each unpermitted butane/propane cook-cart is a potential fire hazard for the Pier, the City’s Code Enforcement, the County Health Department, and the City’s Police Department periodically conduct educational and enforcement campaigns to help keep the Pier safe. This safety focus calls to eliminate all unpermitted carts while addressing improper hot grease and trash disposal and unsanitary food service conditions on and immediately adjacent to the Pier Street vending is restricted on the Santa Monica Pier. Prior to enforcement, the City of Santa Monica has been educating and warning the unpermitted street vendors for several months. All vendors need a City of Santa Monica business license and vending permit to sell any items in the City, and vendors selling food must also obtain and display a Los Angeles County Department of Public Health permit. As part of the City’s program, sidewalk vending is restricted in certain congested, high-traffic areas to protect public safety. This includes on and around the Pier, where all vending is prohibited except the City’s existing licensed vendor cart program, and the beach, Third Street Promenade, and Palisades Park, where stationary vending is not permitted. In addition, a new ordinance passed on August 24, 2021, prohibits any person from using any combustible fuel (including propane, butane, any other liquid gas, kerosene, steno, charcoal or wood) on the Pier (including the Pier Bridge) or within 25 feet of the Pier, for any purpose involving the fuel’s combustion including heating, lighting, or cooking without a permit from the Fire Marshal. Violations of the new ordinance may be handled as infractions, misdemeanors, or through issuance of administrative citations, in addition, combustible fuels used in violation of the new ordinance will be subject to impound by the Fire Marshal.

Posted on Sunday, December 19, 2021 at 08:56PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Police Detain & Cite Unpermitted Vendor

Los Angeles County Public Health Deputies, in coordination with Santa Monica Code Enforcement Officers, Santa Monica Firefighters and Santa Monica Police Officers confiscate food from unpermitted food vendors around the Santa Monica Pier on Saturday, December 18, 2021. A vendor was detained, cited and his van was towed. Many citations were also issued. The Santa Monica Pier has a worldwide identity. The City wants to preserve our decades old wooden Pier so it can be enjoyed for years to come. Because each unpermitted butane/propane cook-cart is a potential fire hazard for the Pier, the City’s Code Enforcement, the County Health Department, and the City’s Police Department periodically conduct educational and enforcement campaigns to help keep the Pier safe. This safety focus calls to eliminate all unpermitted carts, while addressing improper hot grease and trash disposal, and unsanitary food service conditions on and immediately adjacent to the Pier. Street vending is restricted on the Santa Monica Pier. Prior to enforcement, the City of Santa Monica has been educating and warning the unpermitted street vendors for several month. All vendors need a City of Santa Monica business license and vending permit to sell any items in the City, and vendors selling food must also obtain and display a Los Angeles County Department of Public Health permit. As part of the City’s program, sidewalk vending is restricted in certain congested, high-traffic areas to protect public safety. This includes on and around the Pier, where all vending is prohibited except the City’s existing licensed vendor cart program, and the beach, Third Street Promenade, and Palisades Park, where stationary vending is not permitted. In addition, a new ordinance passed on August 24, 2021, prohibits any person from using any combustible fuel (including propane, butane, any other liquid gas, kerosene, steno, charcoal or wood) on the Pier (including the Pier Bridge) or within 25 feet of the Pier, for any purpose involving tjhe fuel’s combustion including heating, lighting, or cooking without a permit from the Fire Marshal. Violations of the new ordinance may be handled as infractions, misdemeanors, or through issuance of administrative citations, in addition, combustible fuels used in violation of the new ordinance will be subject to impound by the Fire Marshal.

Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 08:59PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint