High Voltage
Tim Kirkpatrick, 53, takes a demo ride on the electric motorcycle, Zero X during the Third Annual AltCar Expo at the Santa Monica Civic on Friday, September 26, 2008. The Zero X has a range of 40 miles per two-hour charge. Typical cost per recharge is less than $.01 per mile. The Zero X is no toy. It's a full powered off-road motorcycle with unmatched performance and durability. The motorcycle has all the performance of a traditional gas dirt bike, but without all of the noise, pollution and maintenance hassle. Best of all, the Zero X opens up all kinds of riding opportunities where noise is a problem. (2) Jim Corning, founder of Prometheus Systems, promotes his conceptual electronic motorcycle during the expo. The prototype motorcycle has a top speed of 70 miles per hour with a range of 50 miles and is completely charged with the solar panel.(3) Guest examine the plug in Toyota Prius which gets 100 miles per gallon.

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