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Artist Designed Bicycle Racks 

The new Artist Designed Bicycle Racks are installed and integrated into the Ocean Park Boulevard “Green Streets” Project. The Ocean Park Boulevard “Green Streets” Project extends along Ocean Park Boulevard from Lincoln Blvd. to Neilson Way. Ocean Park Boulevard is a main thoroughfare to Main Street and the beach and is highly utilized by bicyclists for the Sunday Farmer’s market and shopping along Main Street. This project is one example of the City of Santa Monica’s dedication to enhancing walkability and safe biking on its streets and integrating art into the everyday experience of the city. To this end, the goal of this project is to encourage increased use of bicycles as an alternative method of transportation, provide infrastructure for bicyclists in the neighborhood and to enhance the pedestrian experience with colorful, thoughtful and inspiring functional artwork. The new Artist Designed Bicycle Racks were commissioned by the City of Santa Monica’s Public Art Program.(Santa Monica, March 6, 2014)

Posted on Thursday, March 6, 2014 at 06:31PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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