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Daniel Alonzo

Santa Monica Artist Daniel Alonzo paints a Santa Monica Beach scape mural in a home on Second Street and Ashland on Tuesday, August 2, 2016.

Daniel Alonzo is an artist whose works capture the natural beauty and feelings of his native Santa Monica. Daniel Alonzo is a second generation Santa Monica native whose works mostly depict the landscapes and seascapes of this place he calls home. He is the son of a Mexican Immigrant and a descendent of the "Casillas Family," an old and very large Santa Monica Pioneer family that originally settled in the city at about the turn of the last century.

He is the product of the Santa Monica School System, first attending St. Anne's Catholic School, Will Rodgers Elementary and John Adams Junior High School and graduated in 1975 from Santa Monica High School. In his senior year Daniel entered and won a state wide competition to design the "Official California Bicentennial Medallion"

In the spring of 1982 he began his most recognized work, "Whale of a Mural", located on 4th Street and Ocean Park Blvd in Santa Monica. Daniel personally funded this mural that took fifteen months to complete. From 1983 to 1994 Daniel live in the Art Deco Sea Castle Apartments just south from the Santa Monica Pier on the beach. Living there had a huge impact on his life and was a source of his inspiration for the decade that he lived and painted there. In 1994 the Sea Castle was destroyed by the Northridge Earthquake. After losing his home on Santa Monica's Beach, his loss inspired what still remains the theme of most of his work, painting that depicts this city and its times as he knows and sees it .....a visual historian of this place he calls home.

Check out Daniel's website: http://www.danielalonzo.com/

Posted on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 11:10AM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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