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Tree of Gratitude" Planted in Honor of Beloved Longtime Tree Lover Marissa Rubin

The City of Santa Monica commemorated Earth Day with a special tree planting ceremony. The "Tree of Gratitude" was planted in memory and honor of Marissa Rubin, a beloved tree lover, artist, art therapist, and environmental activist who passed away on July 28 from stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

The young New Zealand Christmas Tree was planted in Palisades Park near the Children's Tree of Life, another New Zealand Christmas Tree that Marissa planted on Earth Day in 1983. Former Santa Monica Mayor proclaimed the Children's Tree of Life as a "living monument to world peace." On its 40th anniversary, the tree was rededicated with a group tree hug following the new Tree of Gratitude planting.

Santa Monica Mayor Gleam Davis read a special proclamation for Marissa before the tree planting. The Santa Monica Urban Forester Matthew Wells supervised the planting, along with his dedicated landscape team. Marissa's husband, Jerry Rubin, a peace activist, thanked everyone for their kind support.

Marissa Rubin was 82 when she passed away. She was a longtime tree lover who loved Santa Monica and always promoted having gratitude through all of life's ups and downs. Marissa was a true friend of Mother Nature and Mother Earth. Her legacy will continue to inspire the Santa Monica community to cherish and protect the environment.

Posted on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 09:29PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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