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Street Vendors Protest Against Proposed Rule Changes in Santa Monica

A group of street vendors and their supporters gathered outside Santa Monica City Hall on Monday, April 24, 2023, to peacefully protest against proposed rule changes that could negatively affect their livelihood. Holding signs and banners highlighting their demands, the protesters demanded a public hearing and an extension of the community input period regarding the proposed rule changes that could restrict their ability to vend on the park and beaches of Santa Monica.

The vendors shared their personal stories and expressed their concerns about Santa Monica's punitive and unfair treatment of street vendors. They also urged the Santa Monica City Council to hold a public hearing on the proposed lottery system and restrictions on street vending. In addition to these demands, the vendors called for more stationary vending locations above and below the Santa Monica Pier and a stop to the prohibition on small electric-powered vending carts on the beach.

The vendors are also worried about new rules that would allow the City to permanently revoke vending permits. The protesters marched into the lobby at City Hall and continued their protest, demanding to speak with Santa Monica City Manager David White. However, David White did not appear.

The protest lasted for about an hour, and the vendors are now asking for a public hearing and extended comment period on the proposed lottery system in Palisades Park, which would limit vending to only 11 spots, cutting out many vendors from the vending landscape in Santa Monica. They are also requesting a public hearing on the new proposed punitive street vending rules.

Notably, the city has allocated $3 million to a joint law enforcement task force that displaced low-income street vendors from the Santa Monica Pier and other significant vending areas in Santa Monica.

The street vendors and their supporters are determined to have their voices heard and to fight for their right to earn a living in Santa Monica.

Posted on Monday, April 24, 2023 at 12:54PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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