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Sheriff Deputies Arrest Man During Safety Sweeps on Metro Trains

In a proactive move to bolster safety and security, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies arrested a passenger on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, for allegedly being in possession of illegal paraphernalia. The man was escorted off the train in handcuffs at the downtown Santa Monica Station, where deputies processed him, took his fingerprints and booking photos, and issued a citation. He was booked, cited, and released on site.

This incident occurred during a comprehensive sweep of the Metro train system by Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies and Metro Armed Security, with a special focus on the downtown Santa Monica Station. These daily operations aim to ensure the welfare of passengers and uphold public safety standards, with a notable increase in security presence in recent weeks.

The downtown Santa Monica Station, serving as the terminal stop for the Metro line, is a critical point where authorities ensure all passengers exit the train upon reaching its final destination. This measure addresses concerns about some unhoused individuals using the train as a makeshift shelter, remaining on board for extended periods and even sleeping onboard.

Sheriff's Deputies and Metro Security at the downtown Santa Monica Station have a multifaceted role, combining security duties with passenger welfare checks. The Sheriff's Deputies are organized into two teams: one team of three, consisting of one sergeant and two deputies, stays at the station and sweeps each train as it arrives. The other team, consisting of four deputies, rides the trains through several lines, enforcing the code of conduct. They address issues such as the use of drugs and alcohol, eating and drinking, playing loud music, and occupying more than one seat.

The increased law enforcement presence at the station is part of a broader effort to address concerns related to criminal activity, instill a sense of safety among commuters, and ultimately restore confidence in the Metro system. This proactive approach is designed to deter criminal behavior and encourage ridership without fear.

Authorities urge passengers to remain vigilant and report any suspicious or unsafe situations promptly. In emergencies, passengers should dial 9-1-1. For non-emergency security concerns, passengers can reach security personnel at 888.950.7233. Additionally, passengers can use the train intercom or station intercoms, marked by red signs on station platforms, to alert Metro staff to any incidents.

The heightened security measures underscore the commitment of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies to ensure a safe and secure travel experience for all Metro passengers, with a renewed focus on the downtown Santa Monica Station as a key point in the transit system.

Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 08:25PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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