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LA County Probation Hosts Successful Resource Fair in Santa Monica

Santa Monica residents gathered on Thursday, May 30th, from 10 AM to 2 PM at Virginia Avenue Park for the Santa Monica Job & Resource Fair. The event, hosted by the Los Angeles County Probation Department, featured over 60 community-based organizations and companies offering a range of services and employment information. Attendees were provided with free haircuts, clothing, and access to various essential services, including job placement, substance abuse counseling, housing and homeless services, mental health services, and family care.

Stacey Ford, President of Local 685, LA County Probation Officers Union, commented, "When you think about probation officers, most people think about locking up people, but we do more than lock up people. We provide services to the community and because we're part of the community. This event is about giving out food, water, clothes, and other resources. We are glad to be here and thank you for having me."

Earl Estell, Director of LA County Probation, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "We are here at the Santa Monica Community Job Resource Fair, glad to be serving the community. We're giving out free haircuts, clothes, and vaccinations because we realize it's about the community. We are happy to be here."

Deputy Director Richard Giron welcomed attendees, saying, "On behalf of the L.A. County Probation Department, I want to welcome everyone. We are here to serve the community, with our staff and CPOs providing valuable resources. This is one of many events that we host in L.A. County Probation. Thank you and welcome to all."

The fair offered a wealth of resources and information, fostering connections within the community. The event was highlighted with the hashtags #LACProbation and #InTheCommunity.

Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 06:52PM by Registered CommenterFabian Lewkowicz | CommentsPost a Comment

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